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Slag: From By-product to Valuable Construction …

 — Recycling slag minimizes waste and disposal costs, reduces energy use, extends furnace life, and lowers the amount of additives needed to make slag. The concerns with slag recycling are that first, …

Pyrometallurgical processing of ferrous slag "co-product" …

 — The ferrous slag is able to be recycled in internal recycling (reutilization in steel plants), civil construction, agriculture, etc. Internal recycling of slag after magnetic …

About us

At Recco, we experience that many valuable metals, both ferrous and non ferrous, are still discarded with residue aggregates, despite the previous processing of incinerator bottom ash (IBA). In order to recover maximum …

Ferrous Slag

Ferrous slag is industrially considered as a low-cost alternative to various primary materials but sometimes subject to customer acceptance, environmental legislations, and treatment efforts. For many ferrous slag applications, circular economy and consequent recycling are already proved possible. In various global regions where iron and steel productions …

Recycling ferrous-nickel slag in blast cleaning

 — The aim of this study is the development of a procedure for the recycling of the ferrous-nickel slag that is widely used in open dry blast cleaning operations in Greek shipyards thus annually generating thousands of tons of blast cleaning waste. Laboratory tests were carried out, based on the reclamation of the material fraction with size a ...

Ferrous slag-based products replace 44 million

 — The conservation of natural raw materials using ferrous slags between 2000 and 2023 is made up of the substitution of a total of 752 million tons of limestone, clay and sand for clinker production with granulated blast furnace slag in cement, 405 million tons of natural stone with slag-based aggregates in concrete and road construction and 12 ...

CHAPTER 1: Introduction: Metallurgical Slags

 — A search for the types of ferrous slag [e.g., iron slag, steel slag, basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag, electric arc furnace slag, BF slag, ladle slag] in the titles of abstracts and citations in the Scopus database 23 gives a query result of over 5000 documents for 2010 to 2020. A small fraction (around one in ten) of those documents are in the ...

Pyrometallurgical processing of ferrous slag "co-product" …

 — Ferrous slag is the term for the solid waste that is produced when raw iron is smelted in ironworks and during the production of steel. ... reducing emissions by reducing cement consumption and ...

Pyrometallurgical processing of ferrous slag "co-product" …

DOI: 10.1016/j.rnrec.2021.106021 Corpus ID: 243976353; Pyrometallurgical processing of ferrous slag "co-product" zero waste full utilization: A critical review @article{Yang2022PyrometallurgicalPO, title={Pyrometallurgical processing of ferrous slag "co-product" zero waste full utilization: A critical review}, author={Jian Yang and Felix …

Recycling of ferrous slag in agriculture: Potentials and …

This review broadly and critically explores the available information concerning the effective recycling of slag in agriculture and its potentials in crop yield, soil conditioning, …

Recycling of ferrous slag in agriculture: Potentials and …

 — Request PDF | Recycling of ferrous slag in agriculture: Potentials and challenges | A large volume of slag is generated as a by-product during steel manufacturing. In order to ensure environmental ...

Feasibility Assessment for Recycling Copper Slag as Ferrous …

 — As an effort to make progress from economical and ecological perspectives, the ironmaking field is expanding the recycling of ferrous by-products. Copper slag has been widely recycled in the abrasive media, the pavement, and the cement industries. However, there was no successful activity of recycling copper slag in the steel industry.

Slag treatment solutions for non-ferrous metals

The slag treatment solutions are a central part of circular economy approach as part of our BlueTechnology philosophy. ... Copper and non-ferrous metals ... SMS group is working on innovative concepts to boost recycling rates. Electric slag cleaning furnaces are primarily used in the nickel, copper, lead, and PGM (platinum group metals ...

Recycling of ferrous slag in agriculture: Potentials …

 — This review broadly and critically explores the available information concerning the effective recycling of slag in agriculture and its potentials in crop yield, soil conditioning, greenhouse gas (GHG) …

The recycling and reuse of steelmaking slags — A review

 — Slags can be classified into three different categories: ferrous slag (contains iron), non-ferrous slag and incineration slag. The slag often contains a large amount of harmful and heavy metals, so the uses of slag has to be carefully managed to ensure no environmental impact ( Shen and Forssberg, 2003 ).

The recycling and reuse of steelmaking slags — A review

 — Slags can be classified into three different categories: ferrous slag (contains iron), non-ferrous slag and incineration slag. The slag often contains a large amount of …

Recycling ferrous-nickel slag in blast cleaning

A semi-industrial recycling unit of used ferrous-nickel slag was also designed and installed in a Greek shipyard (Neorion New SA of Syros Shipyards). The operation of the semi-industrial recycling unit verified the conclusions resulting from the laboratory tests, and most important, it was proved profitable for the ship-yard.

The recycling and reuse of steelmaking slags — A review

 — Slags can be classified into three different categories: ferrous slag (contains Land applications If oils and greases can be removed (and zinc where appropriate) then the slag could be used as a source of iron ore replacement, with the advantages of lowering mining and transportation, both of which contribute significantly to the overall carbon ...

IBA processing plant engineering

IBA processing plant engineering Engineering, production, and installation. For processing slag or bottom ash (IBA) and retrieving valuable ferrous and non ferrous materials, Recco engineers, manufactures, and installs a system that achieves maximum yields. Thanks to the Heilig group-wide knowledge in plant engineering, Recco offers customized …

Advances in the use of recycled non-ferrous slag as a …

 — Future research should be directed towards the facilitation of recycling and upgrading of non-ferrous slag (having different sizes) to enable the sustainable production of construction materials. Credit author statement. Jiaxing Ban: Investigation, Formal analysis, Data curation, Writing – original draft. Keke Sun: Writing – review ...

Recycling of Nickel-Slag Tailings into Liquid Products: A

 — We provide an overview of the current status of research on reprocessing of nickel waste tailings, describe the current condition of the tailings, and set forth an important economic goal — freeing up land occupied by tailings and reducing impacts of human activity on the environment. We study the structure, chemical composition, and phase …

Non Ferrous recycling

This slag, or bottom ash, is processed in a designated IBA processing plant dividing the valuable materials into: 90% slag residues for valuable aggregates in, e.g., construction; 7% ferrous materials for reuse in various industries; 3% non ferrous materials; RECCO NON FERROUS RECYCLING INSTALLATION

Ferrous slag-based products replace 44 million

 — Ferrous slag-based products replace 44 million tons of natural rock. In 2023, 35.8 million tons of ferrous slag were produced in the European Union and Great Britain. …

A Review on Environmental Concerns and Technological

 — Looking at the merits and associated benefits, some of the top steel-producing countries have adopted or upgraded with a recycling technique of steel slags from time to time for various applications (as shown in Fig. 3), such as for road construction, soil enrichment, cement production, etc. Notably, recycling steel slag for a particular …

Slag Recycling and Metal Recovery

As a result of growing environmental awareness, steel slag is now highly regarded as a recycled material that can reduce environmental impact due to its resource-conservation and energy-saving properties. MEKA is …


Recycling: Following removal of entrained metal, slag can be returned to the blast and steel furnaces as ferrous and . flux feed, but data on these returns are incomplete. Entrained …

Recycling ferrous-nickel slag in blast cleaning

The aim of this study is the development of a procedure for the recycling of the ferrous-nickel slag that is widely used in open dry blast cleaning operations in Greek shipyards thus annually generating thousands of tons of blast cleaning waste. Laboratory tests were carried out, based on the reclamation of the material fraction with size a ...

Recycling solutions for non-ferrous metals

SMS group developed solutions for the recycling of WEEE scrap, batteries, catalysts as well as all other non-ferrous and copper scraps. ... catalysts as well as all other non-ferrous and copper scraps. ... electronic waste, batteries, etc. In the past, large amounts of slag that still contained valuable metals were dumped. Old deposits can also ...

Specialist in non-ferrous recycling

NON FERROUS RECYCLING FOR HIGH METAL RECOVERY PROFITS. As a specialist in the recovery of non-ferrous metals from slags, or bottom ash (IBA), Recco facilitates a state-of-the-art system that separates the aluminium and heavy metals in 3 grading sizes from residue aggregates. The yield of aluminium and heavy metals we generate with our …

Effective disposal of hazardous waste from non-ferrous waste recycling …

 — However, the recycling process generates leaching residues (HWLR) with high levels of heavy metals, posing a risk to the environment. ... Advances in the use of recycled non-ferrous slag as a resource for non-ferrous metal mine site remediation. Environ. Res. (2022) J. Gao et al.

Resource Recycling of Non-Ferrous Metals | SpringerLink

 — Making molten slag has merit because it is easy to use for construction minerals; however iron cannot be recycled. Fig. 13.7. Schematic illustration of MF furnace ... McClelland, J. M., and G. E. Metius. August 2003. Recycling ferrous and nonferrous waste streams with FASTMET. JOM the Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society …


Recycling: Following removal of entrained metal, slag can be returned to the blast and steel furnaces as ferrous and . flux feed, but data on these returns are incomplete. Entrained metal, particularly in steel slag, is routinely recovered during slag processing for return to the furnaces and is an important revenue source for slag processors ...

Solutions to the Converter Slag Recycling Problem in

 — In particular, in Germany, the recycling of ferrous metallurgical slags has achieved a recycling level exceeding 90%, resulting in no more than 10% of all smelted …

$40 Million Non-Ferrous Slag Recycling Plant to be Built

 — SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): Greek-owned Sometra has announced that it will invest $40 million to build a non-ferrous slag processing and recycling plant in Romania. The new plant will be built on the site of the company's existing non-ferrous metals plant in Copsa Mica, Central Romania. The construction of the plant is subject to necessary ...