Drainage chemistry of mine tailings from a carbonatite …

 — Detailed field sampling and laboratory methods were used to characterize the hydraulic properties of the tailings, their bulk chemistry, mineralogy, pore water and …

On-stream and quantitative mineral identification of tailing …

 — However, the relative errors of biotite, glauconite and ferrorichterite were large because of their low concentrations and high variations within the sampled slurries. …

A Novel Open-System Method for Synthesizing Muscovite from a Biotite

According to the wide application of muscovite in various industries, many studies have focused on its fabrication. However, the process of its synthesis faces long-standing challenges mainly related to the elevated temperature and pressure ambient,

Bioremediation techniques for the treatment of mine …

 — Mine tailings (MTs) are the materials dumped on a mining site after mineral extraction, containing scattered traces of residual minerals, dug-up soils, and a disturbed ecosystem. Abandoned and untreated MT can pose threats to the surrounding ecosystem due to the presence of various primary and secondary toxic components, such as …

Assessment of Heavy Metals in Top Soil around a …

the uranium tailings on the ground surface in tailings pond (Elango et al., 2012; Brindha, 2012). There are ... pink biotite granite, grey hornblende biotite ... In the Figure 1: Study …

Self-Sustaining Smoldering to Construct Tailings-Based Tech …

 — Overall, the study has elucidated the rhizosphere effects on tailing mineral (biotite dominant) weathering and secondary Fe-Si mineral formation, justifying pioneer plant roles in eco-engineering ...

Mineral weathering of iron ore tailings primed by …

 — The organic carbon forms of the tailing sample from treatment "4TB" (freeze-dried and finely ground) were measured by C 1s NEXAFS analysis at the soft X-ray (SXR) beamline in Australian Synchrotron, Australia. ... (l-n) S 0 particles; (i-k & o-q) weathering of primary Fe tailing minerals (e.g., biotite-like, richterite-like or iron oxides ...

Critical Minerals from Post-Processing Tailing. A Case …

 — Mapping of minerals using SEM-BSE: (A) Ilmenite-rutile tailing (Sample Bngk 27); (B) monazite tailing (Sample Bngk 21). In all the samples examined, subordinate amounts o f following minerals have ...

A Novel Open-System Method for Synthesizing Muscovite from a Biotite

This research work aims at synthesizing muscovite through a straightforward and direct wet thermal oxidation of an ash sample produced from biotite-rich coal tailings. For this purpose, the lab ash powder was mixed with 35% H2O2 at the room temperature of 25 °C while stirring at 480 rpm. ... "A Novel Open-System Method for Synthesizing ...

Rhizosphere Drives Biotite-Like Mineral Weathering and

 — Overall, the study has elucidated the rhizosphere effects on tailing mineral (biotite dominant) weathering and secondary Fe-Si mineral formation, justifying pioneer plant roles in eco-engineering ...

Scintillometer result of aluvial and tailing sample, Bangka.

Especially, Bangka Island is located in a tropical area with medium rainfall, around 2500 mm/year (Yusoff et al., 2013). This island was intruded by granite pluton with an altitude between 0 ->400 ...

Effect of metal ions on the flotation separation of biotite …

 — Metal cations have great effects on the flotation of silicate minerals whereas the interaction mechanism is unclear. Single mineral flotation demonstrated that the recovery of biotite rose to 94.69% and 96.41%, and that of quartz declined to 1.21% and 2.01% after introducing small amounts of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+, respectively.Artificial mixed …

Bnenficiation of quartz from tailing of kaolinite processing

 — It was found from the study that the tailing sample contained particle size over 100 mesh about 94% of total weight and was composed of quartz 61-90%, iron-bearing minerals such as muscovite and ...

Source and Migration Pathways of Heavy Metals in Soils …

 — The exploitation of iron ore could cause heavy metals pollution in the soils, which threatens the ecosystem and human health. In this study, soil, stream sediment, tailings, rock, and atmospheric deposition samples were collected from an iron mine in Baotou City. The concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn, Al2O3, CaO, K2O, …

A Novel Open-System Method for Synthesizing Muscovite …

 — This research work aims at synthesizing muscovite through a straightforward and direct wet thermal oxidation of an ash sample produced from biotite-rich coal tailings.

A Novel Open-System Method for Synthesizing …

and direct wet thermal oxidation of an ash sample produced from biotite-rich coal tailings. For this purpose, the lab ash powder was mixed with 35% H 2 O 2 at the room temperature of 25 C while


The beneficiation of cassiterite fines from a tailing slime in the Datun . International Seminar on Mineral and Coal Technology ... the sample was prepared by drying and then grinding to 200 mesh. Initial ... magnetite, hematite, and biotite. The chemical composition analysis using AAS of skarn ore shows content of 0.66% Sn, 33.16% Fe, and 10. ...

A Novel Open-System Method for Synthesizing Muscovite from a Biotite

This research work aims at synthesizing muscovite through a straightforward and direct wet thermal oxidation of an ash sample produced from biotite-rich coal tailings. ... Muscovite The crystallographic study and lattice parameter calculations revealed that the starting material from a Biotite-Rich Coal Tailing. and product peaks matched to ...

A Novel Open-System Method for Synthesizing Muscovite …

 — This research work aims at synthesizing muscovite through a straightforward and direct wet thermal oxidation of an ash sample produced from biotite-rich coal tailings. For this purpose, the lab ash powder was mixed with 35% H2O2 at the room …

Field biotite weathering rate determination using U-series

 — The weathering rate, R, was then calculated as follows: (3) R = m i-m f M T × S where m i and m f are the initial and final mass of the biotite per g of sample respectively, M is the molar mass of biotite, calculated from structural formulae of the studied biotite established by Mareschal (2008) (455 g·mol −1), T is the weathering duration ...

Analysis of sulfides in whole rock matrices by elemental …

 — However, erratic results are obtained for mixtures of reference sulfide and pyroxene, amphibole, or biotite. These minerals may suppress sample peaks, cause extreme peak tailing, and prohibit isotope ratio measurements. ... Note the suppressed height and extreme tailing of the sample peak. In our laboratory, extreme peak tailing is …

musvite tailing sampling

A Novel OpenSystem Method for Synthesizing Muscovite from This research work aims at synthesizing muscovite through a straightforward and direct wet thermal o


Biotite also occurs in metasomatic rocks. This skarn sample is composed of biotite with light green actinolite (Ca-Mg-amphibole). Hannukainen, Finland. Width of sample 9 cm. Tonalite. Black biotite, white plagioclase, gray quartz. Kaatiala, …

Geochemical and mineralogical changes in magnetite Fe …

 — The weathering of magnetite and biotite-like phyllosilicates were accelerated, resulting in increased concentrations of soluble Mg, K, Fe, Ca, and Si in porewater. ... Products, Netherlands) which were inserted vertically into the centre of the tailings profile. At each porewater sampling, equivalent amounts of DI water were added back into the ...

Biotite composition as a tracer of fluid evolution and …

 — The green dashed line is the ore body boundary (at lower grades of 0.2% Cu). The brown pentagon is the position of the sample containing primary biotite, the light brown pentagon is the position of the sample containing secondary biotite, and the red quadrilateral is the position of the sample containing vein-hosted biotite.

Crushed rocks and mine tailings applied as K fertilizers …

Key words: biotite, Festuca pratensis, K-feldspar,Phleum pratense, plant available K, potassium Abstract Crushed rocks and mine tailings containing biotite, K-feldspar and nepheline as K-bearing minerals were applied as K fertilizers in a series of 15 grassland field trials. A treatment with KCl as K-source outyielded treatments with

Rhizosphere Drives Biotite-Like Mineral …

 — Pioneer plants play an important role in eco-engineering Fe ore tailings into soil for sustainable mine site rehabilitation. However, root-driven mineral weathering and secondary mineral formation remain …


Biotite, usually dark green, brown, or black, has a pale brown color under plane-polarized light in this sample. It exhibits high interference colors in cross-polar light just as muscovite, but has a lower birefringence than muscovite. Biotite shows parallel extinction in cross polarized light, and has perfect cleavage in one direction.

Low Energy Process Development for Chibuluma Copper …

 — XRD pattern for the as-received sample is shown in Fig. 2 from which high-intensity peaks for quart can be observed. The other XRD peaks in the material are biotite (K(Mg,Fe) 3 AlSi 3 O10(F,OH) 2) and orthoclase (KAlSi 3 O 8). The intensity peaks for copper-bearing minerals could not be observed as they are below the detection limit of …

Plant available potassium in rocks and mine tailings with …

Crushed rocks and mine tailings with K-feldspar, biotite and nepheline as their main K-bearing minerals were tested as K-fertilizers in a pot experiment with barley.

Using Gold-Silver Tailings on the Elaboration of Ceramic s …

 — The elemental composition of the tailing samples was carried out using 10 gr of the sample which was ground up to 45 µm and put on an aluminum sample holder of 15 mm diameter and 1 mm depth. Then, the sample was pressed until a brick is generated and the multi-elemental analysis was obtained through WD-XRF.

A Novel Open-System Method for Synthesizing …

forward and direct wet thermal oxidation of an ash sample produced from biotite-rich coal tailings. For this purpose, the lab ash powder was mixed with 35% H2O2 at the room temperature of 25 °C ... biotite; oxidation; coal tailing; crystal structure 1. Introduction Biotite and muscovite are two phyllosilicate minerals within the mica family ...


Biotite Monoclinic K2(Mg,Fe2+)6-4(Fe3+,Al,Ti)0-2[Si6-5Al2-3O20](OH,F)4Biotite, also known, as 'black mica' is a rock-forming femic phyllosilicate that occurs in several igneous and metamorphic rocks. The mineral was named in honor of the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Biot, who devoted his life