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Durability of high-performance self-compacted concrete using electric

 — Concrete produced with EAFS aggregates is more eco-efficient [17] and shows a slight increase in density [10, 18] and an improved paste-aggregate interface transition zone (ITZ), due to the angularity and roughness of EAFS, which enables better bonding with the cement paste than natural aggregates [[19], [20], [21], [22]].

Preparation and performance evaluation of high-strength

 — The preparation of high-strength phosphogypsum aggregates (HPA) was explored in this study by the compaction–fragmentation–grinding–hydration process from mixture of PG GGBS OPC dry powders. The dry powder blocks were first produced by compaction using the programed pressure and then was crushed into small pieces with …

Compressive behavior of polyvinyl alcohol engineered …

 — The use of SS as an aggregate in engineered cementitious composites (ECC) can prevent pollution and mitigate natural aggregate depletion. In this study, river sand (RS) was replaced by SS with maximum size of 4750 µm, and the properties of ECC with varying contents of SS and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber were investigated.

Influence of phase change material and nano silica aerogel aggregates …

 — The fine aggregate was garnet sand with a maximum dimension of 2.5 mm. The water absorption and dry density in the saturated surface dry condition were 1.35 % and 2640 kg/m 3, respectively.To achieve proper workability, a polycarboxylate ether superplasticizer (SP) was used, in which the solid concentration and specifics density of …

First passage calculation of the conductivity of particle aggregate …

In this work, we employ a first passage simulation technique to investigate the influence of particle aggregation on the resulting conductivity of particle-laden suspensions and composites. Aggregates are modeled as quasifractal objects, and a sequential algorithm is used to computationally generate aggregates of prescribed fractal dimension ...

Scope of reusing waste shredded tires in concrete and …

 — As per the historical data points, the reduction in elastic modulus of concrete with rubber as coarse aggregate replacement is relatively higher than concrete with crumb rubber as fine aggregate replacement. Concrete composites with RTW aggregates replacement ratio of 10–15% shows optimum elastic modulus deficit.

Aggregate (composite)

Aggregate is the component of a composite material that resists compressive stress and provides bulk to the composite material. For efficient filling, aggregate should be much smaller than the finished item, but have a wide variety of sizes. Aggregates are generally added to increase the strength of composite materials.

A fundamental review on composite materials and some of …

 — Composites or composite materials are engineered materials that consist of two or more constituent materials with wide discrepancies in their physical, chemical, …

Hydraulic transport properties of unsaturated cementitious composites

 — Plus, the finer aggregates in composites lead to the higher hydraulic transport properties, while the exponent of power-law distribution has a small effect on the effective hydraulic properties of CC. (2) With respect to the shape of aggregates, the ITZ properties including the ITZ thickness and volume fraction more sensitive to the hydraulic ...

Smart materials and technologies for sustainable concrete …

 — Some examples of local materials that can be used in concrete construction include natural aggregates, recycled aggregates, natural pozzolans, locally sourced …

First passage calculation of the conductivity of particle aggregate …

 — There is considerable interest in transport via conduction through particle laden suspensions (e.g. nanofluids) and composite materials. Frequently, such multiphase systems display enhanced conductivities beyond what is expected from the effective medium approximation. While the origin of this enhancement is often a source of …

Performance of engineered cementitious composites incorporating crumb

 — The high performance of engineered cementitious composites (ECC) achieved through micromechanics design and reinforced with a low fiber volume (i.e. 2%) has made it an excellent construction material for various applications [1], [2].In order to achieve this outstanding performance of ECC, silica sand (SS) which is an ultrafine …

Tensile performance and cracking characteristics of …

 — In this study, commercial lightweight expanded-glass aggregates were used as substitutes for natural sand. Fig. 2 illustrates the morphological features and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the EG aggregates incorporated into the mixtures. EG, produced from waste glass through a specialized kiln process at 900 °C, …

On the origin of eigenstresses in lightweight aggregate concrete

 — Three types of composites were studied, all with a cement paste volume percentage of 66.7% and an aggregate volume percentage of 33.3%, but with different contents of glass spheres (NWAs) versus Liapor grains (LWAs) (see Table 2).The glass spheres had an average size of 5.91 ± 0.15 mm and a Young's modulus of 77 GPa and …

What is Concrete? Composition & Types of Concrete

Concrete Definition: Concrete, an artificial stone-like mass, is the composite material that is created by mixing binding material (cement or lime) along with the aggregate (sand, …

Physical and mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol and

 — Natural fibers in micro and nano scales may be a potential alternative for man-made fibers because of the comparable mechanical properties to those of glass, carbon, and aramid fibers. Cellulose fibril and fibril aggregate are generally prepared by physical treatments, e.g., high-pressure homogenizer, or chemical treatments, e.g., acid …

Growing Nanocrystalline Graphene on Aggregates for …

 — Highly conductive concrete/mortar has been long pursued to realize structural health monitoring in the development of smart-cement-based facilities. However, it remains challenging to significantly increase the electrical conductivity of concrete/mortar without lowering the compressive strength and flowability. Here, nanocrystalline-graphene …

Composite vs. Aggregate: Know the Difference

 — The selection between composite materials and aggregates depends on the specific requirements of the project, including strength, durability, weight, and environmental conditions. While composites offer …

A critical review of cement composites containing recycled aggregates …

 — If manufactured CDW has converted to aggregates [5], Europe might reach zero waste concrete today [3]. In this review, cement composites represent RA-based construction materials, including different types of mortar and concrete. However, producing cement composites using RA could save natural resources and address the CDW …

Composite vs. Aggregate: Know the Difference

 — Composite materials are engineered for specific properties by combining different substances, while aggregates are natural or processed materials used to provide bulk and strength in construction materials like …

Mechanical behaviour of wollastonite-based cement composites

 — The drop in the compressive strengths of the CPC composites incorporating rubber aggregates is caused by the lower stiffness of the rubber aggregates when compared to the cement matrix of CPC material. Thus, cement composites with high compressive ductility are created through the rubber aggregates-cement matrix …

Introduction to the Principles of Cement and Concrete Composites …

 — Composite materials (combinations of aggregates) offer an in-built mixture of toughness and stiffness with corrosion resistance and lightweight properties. Such materials are obtained from various compositions with different physical and chemical characteristics. Combinations of such concretes give special capability that gives composite ...

Effect of Fine Aggregate and PVA Fiber Content on the …

 — The mechanical and physical properties of novel metakaolin (MK) based Engineered Geopolymer Composites (EGCs) consisting of locally available river sand (RS) or manufactured microsilica sand (MS) reinforced with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber were studied. Plain geopolymer (GP) binder, GP mortars, and fiber-reinforced composites …

Nano-engineered the interfacial transition zone between …

The enhancement of the ITZ in cement composites through pre-wetting aggregates has garnered significant attention in practical applications due to its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and effectiveness [11,52,53]. It has been accepted that admixing the well-dispersed GO can promote the hydration of cement [[54], [55], [56]]. Therefore, we ...

Preparation and characterization of novel phase-change …

 — Furthermore, PCM composite materials were used as aggregates to produce phase-change concrete. The workability and mechanical properties of the three types of phase-change concrete were evaluated, and they were used to build concrete walls. Subsequent comparison of the insulation performance of these walls revealed that …

A Voronoi-based gaussian smoothing algorithm for

 — Fig. 3 exhibits the determination process of the layer number of all the elements in the voxel-based sub-region V i.Based on the element matrix M tag i, where the aggregate element in V i is 1 and the others are 0, the expanded M' tag i is traversed and analyzed, and the layer numbers of the aggregate elements from outer to inner are …

3D printable lightweight cementitious composites with incorporated

 — Since aggregates usually occupy between 60% and 80% of volume of cementitious composites, their mechanical performance plays a crucial role in the overall mortar and concrete characteristics [73, 74]. Therefore, the nature of aggregate, its geometrical characteristics, as well as gradation, are of high importance.

A Study of Fine Aggregate Properties and Their Effect on …

 — It is well known that aggregates constitute 75–80 % of concrete by volume (Tugrul and Yılmaz 2012).In mortars, the most common aggregate to binder ratio encountered in the literature is 3:1 by weight (Stefanidou and Papayianni 2005).Inevitably, the characteristics and quality of aggregates have an effect on the long-term …

Effects of ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) on the …

 — Artificial steel slag aggregates were prepared via accelerated carbonation with the assistance of EDTA. The influences of EDTA on the CO 2 uptake, microstructure, and properties of the carbonated steel slag aggregates as well as the performance of concrete were investigated. With the addition of EDTA, the carbonation of steel slag aggregates …


 — A true composite, concrete typically consists of gravel and sand — aggregate — bound together in a matrix of fine Portland cement, with metal rebar usually incorporated for strength. It performs admirably …

Cement and Concrete Composites | Journal

Cement and Concrete Composites is designed to reflect current developments and advances being made in the general field of cement-concrete composites technology and in the production, use, and performance of cement-based construction materials.The word cement is interpreted in a wide sense, including not only Portland cement but also …