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Study of melting properties of basalt based on their mineral …

 — In this paper, the mineral components, initial liquid temperature, melting temperature, melting process, and melt homogeneity of andesite, andesitic basalt, …

Phase distribution of uranium in matrices obtained by co-melting basalt

 — The co-melting of basalt with UO3-containing Al2O3 produced matrices containing glass, plagioclase, and spinel as major phases. The highest uranium content (97 mass % UO3) was observed on the non ...

(PDF) Specific features of basalts, its melting and …

 — Significant melting of the plagioclase-rich crustal lithologies requires turbulent convection in the assimilating magma and an efficient method of mixing in the relatively buoyant and viscous new...

Structural dynamics of basaltic melt at mantle conditions …

 — We report the structure, density, diffusivity, electrical conductivity and viscosity of a model basaltic (Ca11Mg7Al8Si22O74) melt from first-principles molecular …

Phase distribution of uranium in matrices obtained by co-melting basalt

 — Cast stone (CS) matrices were obtained by co-melting basalt and uranium-containing Al 2 O 3 at 1623 K in the air for 5 h.. Major phases of CS matrices were uranium-containing glass, plagioclase, and spinel. • The uranium leaching rate into water after 24-hour contact of CS matrices with H 2 O at 298 K was ~ 7.7∙10-6 g U/(g∙day).

Specific features of basalts, its melting tempering in …

The analysis of the results of melting basaltic minerals from the 'Asmansay' deposit is presented, along with their annealing in different environments. The aim is to determine …

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Cast basalt

Cast basalt is a kind of silicate crystalline material after producing and processing, it made of natural rock (basalt, diabase and other basite) or some industrial waste as the main raw materials, by melting, casting, crystallization, annealing and other processes. Scan WhatsApp. 780199 (service time:9:00-21:00) ...

Phase distribution of uranium in matrices obtained by co-melting basalt

 — Cast stone (CS) matrices were obtained by co-melting basalt and uranium-containing Al 2 O 3 at 1623 K in the air for 5 h. Major phases of CS matrices were uranium-containing glass, plagioclase, and spinel.

Modification of the Composition of Gabbro-Basalt Raw …

 — The processes of melting of different types of igneous rock constituting gabbro-basalt raw material are examined. The role of the main rock-forming elements in the formation of these melts for the production of mineral fibers and stone-cast articles is shown. Special attention is devoted to their influence on the viscosity and crystallizability …

in terms of phase composition and microstructure.

Melt cast basalt is a useful material for floor tiles and similar abrasion-resistant products obtained by melting natural basalt rock and casting into molds. It is a possible candidate …

Structure and density of basaltic melts at mantle …

 — Here we report density functional theory-based simulations of model basalt, hydrous model basalt and near-MORB to assess the …

Speed of reaching the full potential heat capacity of a basalt …

 — Close to it is the cast basalt production of the company EUTIT s. r. o. (Stará Voda, Cheb, Czech Republic). The manufacturing starts with melting the rock at 1280 °C [3]. It is then cast into moulds and cylinders, which will then be put into kilns at 850 °C for thermal treatment, forcing the basalt to recrystallize and change its properties.

The Basalt Fiber

 — Basalt is a unique material because it can be both sculpted and cast in molds and processed to obtain discontinuous or continuous fibers. These are analyzed in a peculiar way, reporting expert studies and analyses with the aim of defining its properties (morphology, mechanical properties, thermal properties, corrosion resistance, and …

Can stone be "recycled" by melting and cooling it? [closed]

 — Basalt, a fine grained igneous rock, would be fine. It would still need quite a long cool down time. ... $begingroup$ Thanks for the correction. cast iron does have a lower melting point than pure iron. 13th century for a blast furnace is late medieval to early renaissance technology, so it still doesn't qualify as advanced technology. $endgroup$

Phase distribution of uranium in matrices obtained by co-melting basalt

 — Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Phase distribution of uranium in matrices obtained by co-melting basalt and uranium-containing aluminum oxide" by K. Martynov et al. ... The distribution of uranium between different phases of cast stone matrices fabricated by fusion of basalt and uranium-bearing SiO2-based collectors was investigated. It was ...

Preliminary Study of Melting Basalt Rock As A Raw of

 — The product was basalt cast with the following dominant composition is MgO 5.244%, Al 2 O 3 21.295%, SiO 2 48.750, CaO 10.138%, Fe 2 O 3 11.019%, TiO 2 1.361% and Na 2 O 2.132%. ... The process of ...

Former PISCES Technician Guides New Materials …

by PISCES | Feb 29, 2024. Above: A molten pool of cast basalt created at the Colorado School of Mines. Credit: Kyla Edison. A former PISCES intern and technician is forging new research to help develop infrastructure …

Basalt | Encyclopedia MDPI

 — These phenocrysts usually are of olivine or a calcium-rich plagioclase, which have the highest melting temperatures of the typical minerals that can crystallize from the melt. Basalt with a vesicular …

Phase Relations of Basalts in their Melting Ranges at

 — This paper describes the melting relations of three basalts, a Picture Gorge tholeiite, the 1921 Kilauea olivine tholeiite, and the 1801 Hualalai alkali basalt, at 5 kb …

Thermochemistry and melting properties of basalt

The heat capacities of the liquid, glassy and crystalline phases of an alkali basalt have been deter-mined from relative enthalpies measured between 400 and 1,800 K. Values given …

(PDF) A pilot study of laser-welding cast basalt blocks for …

 — The units welded for this study as an analogue for cast mare regolith were 20 × 35 × 40 mm blocks cut from cast basalt tiles ( Fig. 3 ). This allowed large numbers of blocks to be produced ...

Cast Stone Matrices Based on Basaltic Melt with Uranium

 — Abstract The distribution of uranium between different phases of cast stone matrices fabricated by fusion of basalt and uranium-bearing SiO2-based collectors was investigated. It was found that matrices created by fusion of basalt with SiO2 consist of glass, quartz, and spinel as the main phases. A study of the physicochemical properties …

A changing thermal regime revealed from shallow to deep basalt …

 — Sample return missions have provided the basis for understanding the thermochemical evolution of the Moon. Mare basalt sources are likely to have originated from partial melting of lunar magma ...

Basalt derived from highly refractory mantle sources during …

 — Using single-phase thermobarometry for clinopyroxene in Unit 1 basalt with (FeO/MgO) cpx /(FeO/MgO) melt = 0.26–0.27, gives 1090–1165 °C, at <0.6 GPa (Supplementary Figure 6 and Table 6 ...

Turbo make Cast Basalt Tiles, Lined Pipes, Bends and Other …

Turbo Cast Basalt products are Manufactured from a World Class Volcanic rock having excellent abrasion, erosion, corrosion resistant properties by melting to the temperature around 1500°C in a Modern special furnace and Casted by a Centrifugal Spun Casting Machine in different diameters in a Single Monolithic Cylinder of 1000mm Long and also ...

Engineering, Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Basalt …

 — Basalt is known as a natural, solid, dense, and dark brown to black volcanic igneous rock formed about 100 to 300 km under the Earth's surface. ... It can turn the surface into molten lava with a melting temperature ranging from 1500 to 1700 °C [15,16]. ... When the mixing of the concrete matrix is done, it is cast in a mold with the sizes ...

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