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Zimplats closes Bimha mine after recent underground collapse

 — Zimplats has decided to stop all mining activities at the Bimha Mine in Zimbabwe, following an underground collapse at the facility in July this year. August 20, 2014. ... Underground mining equipment is similarly expected to see a CAGR of 2.3% in this same time frame, with the number of mining trucks and loaders/LHDs in active …

Ngezi Platinum Group Metals Mine, Zimbabwe

Hartley and Ngezi are two of several platinum-bearing deposits hosted in Zimbabwe's 'Great Dyke'. The Great Dyke is a 450km-long mafic and ultramafic intrusive structure that runs through central Zimbabwe, with a maximum width of just 11km. Its platinum potential has …

Zimplats: Ngezi Mine | Bus Ex

Although Ngezi mining operations are highly mechanised, they still rely on an extremely large workforce. Zimplats has a direct payroll of 2,500 responsible for all mining and processing activities, with an indirect workforce of another 1,500 employed by suppliers/contractors that provides a variety of services to the business.  

Impala Platinum: Defined by geology

 — The hard ore bodies of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, and the Great Dyke, for that matter, are not kind to any mining equipment or mining method, no matter where on the formations a venture decides to …


Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd 452 Johnston Street Abbotsford VIC 3067 Australia Tel: +61 3 9415 5000 Shareholder enquiries 1 300 850 505 Fax: +61 3 9473 2500

Ngezi mine concentrator project, Zimbabwe

 — The project entails the construction of a third concentrator, which will increase milling capacity from 6.7-million tonnes to 7.6-million tonnes a year. The project …

Zimplats Invests $380,000 to Improve School Infrastructure …

 — Platinum Group Metals (PGM) miner, Zimplats, today handed over two classroom blocks and ablution facilities that were constructed at a cost of about US$380,000 to the authorities at Turf Primary School in Mhondoro Ngezi District as part of its efforts to de-congest the elementary school.

Zimplats plans 185 MW solar power plants

 — The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority said Zimplats, the biggest platinum group metals producer in Zimbabwe applied to build a 105 MW plant at Ngezi, southwest of Harare, where it has mines and ...

Zimplats – Platinum Mining Company in zimbabwe

+263 242 886 878-85 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 P O Box 6380, Harare, Zimbabwe

Tenders: Zimbabwe Platinum Mines (Private) Limited (ZIMPLATS…

 — Zimbabwe Platinum Mines (Private) Limited (ZIMPLATS), a member of the Implats Group, operates the Ngezi Mine situated 77 km south of Selous and the Selous Matallurgical Complex (SMC) at Selous. Zimplats invites existing and potential suppliers to a supplier open day for local suppliers.


Zimplats is 87% owned by Implats. Its Ngezi operation is located on the Hartley Geological Complex on the Zimbabwean Great Dyke ... MINING Zimplats MSZ 6E metal ratio as at 30 June 2018 Pd Rh Ru Ir Au Pt 37.2 3.9 3.5 1.7 6.8 46.8 (%) Ngezi – MSZ 250 200 150 100 50 0-50-100-150-200-250 Width (cm)

Careers | Find out about the careers at Zimplats and apply

Zimbabwe Platinum Mines (Pvt) Limited (ZIMPLATS) is the largest platinum group metals producer in Zimbabwe. It owns and operates Ngezi Underground Mines, Ngezi Concentrator and the Selous Metallurgical Complex (SMC). This position will be part of the dynamic team based at Ngezi, reporting to the Shift Boss. REFERENCE NUMBER – …

ZIMPLATS statement on Ngwarati mine Highwall collapse

 — About Zimplats. Zimplats is 87% owned by Implats and it is situated on the Zimbabwean Great Dyke south-west of Harare. Zimplats operates four underground mines and a concentrator at Ngezi. The Selous Metallurgical Complex (SMC), located 77 kilometres north of the underground operations, comprises a concentrator and a smelter.


Zimplats operates four shallow mechanised underground mines, one open-pit and two concentrators at Ngezi. The Selous Metallurgical Complex (SMC), located some 77 …

Zimplats to construct 105MW solar plant at Ngezi

 — "Connection of the solar plant to the grid involves the construction of a green field 132Kv Ngezi solar plant substation and construction of approximately 1x5km, 118 MVA single lynx 132kV Monopole line from the proposed Ngezi solar plant 132kV substation to the existing Ngezi mine132/33/11KV substation and installation of substation ancillary ...

Platinum – mining, uses, pricing and regulation …

 — Platinum is also used in medicine, biomedicine, glassmaking equipment, anticancer drugs, oxygen sensors, turbine engines, spark plugs, electrodes and even in investment. It is used as a catalyst in the ignition …

Zimplats Resumes Expansion Plans, Progresses on

 — Zimplats began operations in Ngezi with open-pit mining, as opposed to the underground operations in Selous. After achieving success in Ngezi, they embarked on a significant expansion drive through two major phases. The first phase produced 4.2 million tons per annum, followed by a second phase producing 6.2 million tons per annum.


Learn about ZIMPLATS Ngezi, Mining in Mashonaland West Province Zimbabwe. Find ZIMPLATS Ngezi reviews and more on Zimbabwe Yellow Pages.

Careers | Find out about the careers at Zimplats and apply

Zimbabwe Platinum Mines (Pvt) Limited (ZIMPLATS) is the largest platinum group metals producer in Zimbabwe. It owns and operates Ngezi Underground Mines, Ngezi Concentrator and the Selous Metallurgical Complex (SMC). The position will be part of the dynamic team based at SMC Base Metal Refinery (BMR) reporting to the Operations …


Implats progressively increased its shareholding in Zimplats until 2003 when it made an unconditional cash offer to minority shareholders. Implats currently holds 87% of Zimplats. Zimplats started to develop underground operations at Ngezi in 2003. These replaced the open pit production in 2008 and expanded to the current

Ngezi Platinum Group Metals Mine, Zimbabwe

 — Energy and data transmission systems for mining equipment. View all. In early 2001, Zimplats announced the development of Ngezi into a 2.2Mtpa open pit operation producing 208,000oz/y of platinum-group metals, plus nickel, copper and cobalt. ... During open-pit mining, the company used the South African mining contractor, MCC, for all its ...


Zimplats is 87% owned by Implats. Its Ngezi operation is located on the Hartley Geological Complex on the Zimbabwean Great Dyke ... Mining lease north of Portal 10** MSZ indicated 70.0 192 3.44 3.70 3.4 inferred 1 021.0 239 3.22 3.50 50.2 Total 1 …

Ngezi mine concentrator project, Zimbabwe

 — Zimplats is building a third concentrator at its Ngezi mine. The project will add 80 000 oz of platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and gold a year to production capacity.

Zimplats creates a better future

 — Zimplats operates five underground mines in Mhondoro-Ngezi, which supply ore to three concentrator modules (two at Ngezi and the third one at Selous). Production from the mining operations is …


Mining infrastructure consists of four portals (decline shafts) and one open pit. Mining commences at a depth of 50 metres below surface. The deepest operating depth is …


Mining commenced at Ngezi in the late 90's with an open-cast mining operation in the Southern part of the ore body. As this ore body was depleted mining continued towards the North with the development of underground mines at Portals 1 to 4. Currently Zimplats is in the process of developing a new mine at Portal 6.

Implats Zimbabwe unit plans 185 MW solar power plants

 — The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority said Zimplats, the biggest platinum group metals producer in Zimbabwe applied to build a 105 MW plant at Ngezi, southwest of Harare, where it has mines and ...

Zimbabwe Platinum Mines gains approval for

 — Impala Platinum Holdings has given approval for Zimplats' subsidiary Zimbabwe Platinum Mines (Private) Limited to proceed with development of the $264m Mupani Mine (Portal 6). ... the mined ore will be beneficiated in the Ngezi/Selous processing facilities and smelted in the 12.5MW Zimplats furnace, which was recently equipped with …

Zimplats | Ngezi Platinum Mine Contact Details. Phone, …

 — Contact details, address, email, website details and directions for Zimplats Ngezi Platinum Mine on - Zimbabwe's Business Directory. ... i*****@zimplats (To prevent spam the full email address is hidden) Zimplats Closed Today: View Opening Hours. Zimplats Ngezi Platinum Mine Business Hours: Saturday: …

zimplats Fact sheet

shareholding in Zimplats until 2003 when it made an unconditional cash offer to minority shareholders in Zimplats. Implats currently holds 87% of Zimplats. Zimplats started to develop underground operations at Ngezi in 2003. These replaced the open pit production in 2008 and have been expanded to the current 6.2 million

Zimplats: Ngezi Mine | Bus Ex

Although Ngezi mining operations are highly mechanised, they still rely on an extremely large workforce. Zimplats has a direct payroll of 2,500 responsible for all mining and processing activities, with an indirect workforce of another 1,500 employed by suppliers/contractors that provides a variety of services to the business.

Zimplats Resumes Expansion Plans, Progresses on

 — Zimplats began operations in Ngezi with open-pit mining, as opposed to the underground operations in Selous. After achieving success in Ngezi, they embarked on …


• Zimplats embarked on the US$340 million Phase 1 expansion project. A 2.0Mtpa Bimha mine and concentrator module plant were established at Ngezi. • Increasing mining and …

Ngezi Phase 3A growth project, Zimbabwe

 — Contact Details for Project Information Zimplats, tel +44 1481 737217 or email info@zimplats. Impala Platinum, tel +27 11 731 9000 or email [email protected]. Phone: +27 (0)11 622 3744