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Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited | 163,809 followers on LinkedIn. Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (Harmony), a world-class gold mining and exploration company, has operations and assets in South Africa and Papua New Guinea (PNG). Harmony has more than 70 years' experience in the industry. Company assets include one open pit …

Tshepong North Mine | South Africa | Underground | Harmony

 — Tshepong North is a mature underground operation that uses conventional undercut mining in the Basal Reef while the B Reef is exploited as a high-grade secondary reef. Ore mined is processed at the Harmony One plant, with gold recovered using the gold cyanide leaching process.

Kalgold | South Africa | Open-Pit | Harmony

Kalgold is a long-life, open-pit gold mine on the Kraaipan Greenstone Belt, 55km southwest of Mahikeng in North West province. Mining takes place from the A-zone pit, where activities are ramping up at the pillar between the pit and the Watertank pit. Mined ore is processed at the carbon-in-leach Kalgold plant.

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (HMY)

 — Harmony Gold Mining Co. Ltd. ( HMY, Financial) is the New York Stock Exchange mining company that looks like a value stock these days. Get a real-time Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (HMY) …

Internships and bursaries

At an early stage in the mining process, our geologists will apply their knowledge to the practical solution of problems in the underground environment, liaising closely with production teams. Human resources: Harmony's human resources department has the crucial job of managing our 'human gold': our employees. The human resources team is ...

Annual reports | Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited

Registration no. 1950/038232/06 VAT no. 4380103194. Tel: +27 11 411 2000 Fax: +27 11 692 3879. Randfontein Office Park, Corner Main Reef Road & Ward Avenue,

Top shareholders | Harmony Gold Mining …

 — Rank Institution 29 Sep 2023 (%) 1: Public Investment Corporation (ZA) 12.78: 2: African Rainbow Minerals Ltd (ZA) 12.06: 3: Van Eck Associates Corporation (US)

Mining in Australia

In December 2022, Harmony acquired 100 per cent of the Eva Copper Mine Project and 2,100 square kilometres of regional exploration tenements in the world-class North West Minerals Province in Queensland, Australia.

Harmony Gold Mining: A Story of Growth and …

 — Discover Harmony Gold Mining's exceptional Q1 performance with increased gold production, strategic partnerships, and robust financial growth

Peter Steenkamp | Harmony Gold Mining …

Peter Steenkamp was appointed chief executive officer and executive director on 1 January 2016. He has some 44 years' experience in the mining industry, including his last position as Senior Vice President: …


In 1973, Harmony merged with the Anglovaal-owned Merriespruit and ia mines to formally establish Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited. The amalgamated operation had a lease area of 9 933.67ha In 1992, the gold interests of Barlow Rand, including Harmony, were spun out into the newly-incorporated Randgold & Exploration

accomodation close to harmony gold mine in welkom

accomodation close to harmony gold mine in welkom 33774. Lace Diamond Mine (LDM), Kroonstad, Free State - Mining,- accomodation close to harmony gold mine in welkom 33774,The Lace Diamond Mine (LDM) is located near the town of Kroonstad in the region of Free State, in South Africa The mine lies about 200km south-west of the capital city, …

Company announcements

Johannesburg, Thursday, 25 January 2024. Harmony is pleased to announce that total gold production for the six months ended 31 December 2023 of financial year 2024 ("H1FY24") was between 820 000 ounces (25 505kg) and 835 000 ounces 25 971kg), an increase of between 12% and 14% compared to the six months ended 31 December 2022 of …

Occupational Diseases Claims Social Health | Harmony

Harmony was also central in settlement negotiations and was actively involved in establishing the Tshiamiso Trust () after the High Court approved the R5.2 billion settlement of the silicosis and TB class action lawsuit between gold mining companies, Harmony, Gold Fields, African Rainbow Minerals, Anglo American South ...

Harmony Gold

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Our Golden Stories | Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited

 — At Harmony, we Mine with Purpose by creating value for all stakeholders while leaving a lasting positive legacy in the areas where we operate. We care for, protect and empower our employees and communities, we are responsible stewards of the environment, we mine with social conscience and contribute to the economic …

Harmony Gold Integrated Annual Report 2022

Harmony's 2022 integrated annual report is for the financial year ended 30 June 2022 (FY21). Aimed primarily at investors, it covers all our operations and activities in South Africa and Papua New Guinea, their impacts and most material matters during the period.

Integrated report 2020 | Harmony Gold Mining Company

Harmony's 2020 Integrated Annual Report is for the financial year ending 30 June 2020 (FY20). This report, which is aimed primarily at investors, covers all our operations and …


Harmony is incorporated and registered as a public company in South Africa on 25 August 1950. Initially part of the Rand Mines stable, Harmony later became a Randgold-managed company, exploiting the single Harmony mine lease in the then Orange Free State. 1951 Harmony listed on the JSE. 1954 Harmony's first gold was poured on 11 September ...

Eva Copper Mine Project | Australia | Harmony

Harmony acquired 100 per cent of the project and 16 exploration tenements in December 2022, extending Harmony's diversification into copper, a future-facing metal critical to the energy transition. The Eva Copper Mine project is an iron oxide copper gold resource poised to become the largest copper mine in North West Queensland, Australia.

Hidden Valley | Papua New Guinea | Open Pit | Harmony

The Hidden Valley mine is an open-pit gold and silver operation in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, some 210km north-west of Port Moresby. The mine is located at elevations of 1 700m to 2 800m above sea level in steep mountainous and …

Our Golden Stories | Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited

 — Established in 2016, the company specialises in logistics and transportation, and also offers rehabilitation, demolition and plant hire services. Harmony's support has …

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (HMY) Company …

 — Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited engages in the exploration, extraction, and processing of gold. The company explores for uranium, silver, copper, and …

Hidden Valley Gold-Silver Mine

Hidden Valley Gold-Silver Mine. Hidden Valley is an open pit gold-silver mine located in Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea. Newcrest and Harmony Gold Mining of South Africa own the mine through a 50/50 joint-venture (JV) called Hidden Valley JV (HVJV), which is one of three JVs between Newcrest Mining and Harmony Gold, collectively …

Contributing to SDGs | harmony Gold Mining …

Mining and extractive processes are highly energy intensive. The energy we consume is mostly generated by fossil fuels in South Africa, a contributing factor to climate change. To reduce our impact and help combat climate …

Our Communities | Social Responsibility | Harmony

Most Harmony Gold CSI initiatives are designed to empower the youth through education, skills development, and sport. For the past three years, we have facilitated access to tertiary education through our "missing middle" programme, funding 90 eligible students who otherwise will not access tertiary education, as they cannot secure ...

Doornkop Mine |South Africa | Underground

While a mature operation, Doornkop still has 15 years life-of-mine remaining and is focused on narrow-reef conventional mining of the gold-bearing conglomerate South Reef. Ore is processed at the Doornkop …

Target 1 | South Africa | Underground | Harmony

 — Target 1 is an advanced, single-shaft, deep-level mine in the Free State, some 270km south-west of Johannesburg. Mining operations use both mechanised and conventional stoping techniques. The gold mineralisation currently exploited is contained in a succession of Elsburg and Dreyerskuil quartz pebble conglomerate reefs.


Harmony is a global, sustainable gold mining and exploration company with a copper footprint in our Wafi-Golpu and Eva Copper projects. Read more. Corporate profile; History; Board; Executive; Corporate governance; Risk management; Policies and procedures; Latest briefing book. Operations Open menu.

Executive | Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited

Harmony is a global, sustainable gold mining and exploration company with a copper footprint in our Wafi-Golpu and Eva Copper projects. Read more. Corporate profile; History; Board; Executive; Corporate governance; Risk management; Policies and procedures; Latest briefing book. Operations Open menu.

Harmony Procurement Portal

Mining company which explore, extract and produce gold in South Africa and Papua New Guinea. Listed on JSE Limited (Ticker: HAR), New York Stock Exchange (Ticker: HMY) and Berlin Stock Exchange (HAM1).

Mponeng Mine | South Africa | Underground | Harmony

The mine exploits the Ventersdorp Contact Reef, its primary orebody, employing mostly breast-mining methods. The economic reef horizons are mined at depths of between 3 160m and 3 740m below surface. Ore mined is processed at the Mponeng gold plant using conventional gold leaching methods carbon-in-pulp gold recovery technology.

Harmony Provides Hidden Valley Mine Update

 — Photo credit: International Mining Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited wishes to share an update on its production as at the end of December 2021 ("first 6 months of the financial year" or "H1FY22") ahead of its interim results to be announced on 28 February 2022. South African operations Gold production for H1FY22 from the South …

Joel Mine | South Africa | Underground | Harmony

Increased gold production together with a 15% rise in the gold price received to R1 040 581/kg boosted revenue by a notable 45% to R2 044 million (FY22: R1 411 million). Cash operating costs rose 22% to R1 …

Harmony Gold Mine

Harmony Gold Mine Bulolo, MO, Papua New Guinea: Papua New Guinea: +675 (0)00 861 239 ... Our significant copper-gold portfolio in this region includes a 50% stake in the Wafi-Golpu project in Morobe Province, through a 50:50 joint venture with Newcrest Mining Limited (Newcrest).

Share information | Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited

 — As at 30 June 2021, a total of 616 052 197 shares were in issue.

About us

 — Harmony is a global, sustainable gold mining and exploration company with a copper footprint in our Wafi-Golpu and Eva Copper projects.

Mining Safety | Social Health | Harmony

FY23 PERFORMANCE AND FOCUS AREAS. Our safety risk management strategy significantly increased our white flag (accident-free) days. Our lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) in South Africa improved to 5.74 (FY22: 5.90) per million hours worked and our group LTIFR was 5.49 (FY22: 5.65) per million hours worked at year end.

Corporate Governance | Harmony Gold Mining Company …

Assesses Harmony's compliance against relevant regulations Reviews material issues in each of the above disciplines to evaluate their relevance in the reporting period, and to identify additional material issues that warrant reporting, including sustainability-related key performance indicators and levels of assurance

Mining in Papua New Guinea | Harmony

 — Hidden Valley. Hidden Valley, an open-pit gold and silver mine, in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, some 210km north-west of Port Moresby, achieved gold production of 119 182oz in FY22.