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Why we need to nationalise the mines

MINERAL WEALTH BENEATH THE SOIL AND MINES SHOULD BE TRANSFERED TO THE OWNERSHIP OF THE PEOPLE AS A WHOLE. In opening the ANC YL Political School on the 1 st of July 2009, ... Why is it that South Africa should be criminalised for nationalising our mineral wealth, whilst the big capitalists' States like the United States …

Advantages and disadvantages of nationalising mines

 — Advantages of nationalising mines. A sector that is nationalised, allows the government to have direct control over that sector. If the mining sector is nationalised, this would entice the government to sell more minerals within the South African borders rather than export these minerals to foreign countries. If mines were to be nationalised ...

Advantages and disadvantages of nationalising mines

Advantages of nationalising mines. A sector that is nationalised, allows the government to have direct control over that sector. If the mining sector is nationalised, this would entice the government to sell more minerals within the South African borders rather than export these minerals to foreign countries. If mines were to be nationalised ...

Nationalising South Africa's Mining Sector Economics

 — Depleting Commodity Disadvantage Another disadvantage of nationalising the mines is the fact that minerals are a depleting commodity. Despite the short-term advantages the policy could have, an important concern is where about would Government invest the funds made from mining resources and what strategic steps to take once the …

Advantages and disadvantages of nationalising mines

Advantages of nationalising mines A sector that is nationalised, allows the government to have direct control over that sector. If the mining sector is nationalised, this would entice the government to sell more minerals within the South African borders rather than export these minerals to foreign countries. If mines were to be nationalised ...

Should South Africa nationalise its mining industry? | News24

 — 1. As a developing country, South Africa is not yet able to purchase, expropriate or maintain its massive mining industry. As such the only way to nationalise …

Nationalisation in South Africa: Which Way are We …

 — Nationalisation been returned to the agenda, causing disquiet amongst investors and miners and a quickening in the pulse of the left. We cannot allow Malema to dominate this discussion. Besides …

Nationalising South African mines: Back to a …

Nationalising the mining sector will cost the government more than it receives. This is not only a bad idea in itself, but it will limit the scope for distributive policies on the national

en/119/disadvantages of nationalisation of at …

disadvantages of nationalisation of mines.pros and cons of mining nationalization gnfem.disadvantages of nationalisation in the mining industry The Pros and Cons of South Africa Nationalizing Its Mines.Get Price.advantages and disadvantages of nationalization mining sector >>Advisory ...


 — Nationalisation. Most of the UK's major strategic heavy industries and public utilities were nationalised between 1946 and the early 1950s, only to be returned to the private sector between 1979 and 1990.. Examples of nationalisation. 1946 – The Bank of England was the first organisation to be nationalised by the new Labour government of …

Nationalizing South African mines : an economic assessment

Nationalization is high on the policy agenda in South Africa. This paper considers the case for nationalizing the local mining sector from an evidence-based perspective, which is derived from theoretical considerations and related to the known features of the South African mining sector and economy. A strong case against nationalization emerges, …

Nationalizing South African mines: an economic assessment

A strong case against nationalization emerges, which can be summarized as follows. The mining sector is competitive and therefore a poor candidate for public ownership.

Policy implications of the nationalisation of mines in South Africa …

The proposal to nationalise mines is a contentious issue in South Africa. There are those who argue for, while others against, the proposal. ... The study analysed and investigated the debate of nationalisation in South Africa by exploring its advantages and disadvantages to perspectives drawn from countries where nationalisation was successful ...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nationalisation

 — Nationalisation Advantages. When it comes to nationalisation, there are plenty of advantages. For one, economically speaking, it ensures that a government can stay homogenized and the economy top-to-bottom can be nationalized. This is great because it ensures that everyone in the economy can benefit, and the industries are all …

Nationalism on natural resources is surging; …

 — Key Points. A report published Thursday by risk consultancy Verisk Maplecroft indicated that over the course of 2020, 34 countries had seen a "significant increase" in resource nationalism, with...

Nationalisation of Mines, Sample of Reports

This is exactly what will be discussed further, weighing up the advantages with the disadvantages and also explaining the implications when such a big sector is nationalised. Thus will it be concluded what the ruling party is to gain with the nationalising of mines. 3. Advantages of nationalising mines

Advantages and disadvantages of nationalising mines

Not everyone is as keen as Julius Malema to have mines nationalised (Mpho, 2011). Foreign investment has already declined due to Malema's uncertain statements …

Advantages and disadvantages of nationalising mines

The Freedom Charter signed and preserved in June 1955 affirmed that the people shall share in the country's wealth and

globalEDGE Blog: To Nationalize or Not? The Pros and Cons …

Pros: Nationalization doesn't have to cut out the private sector completely. Partnerships in Namibia and Botswanna between mining companies and the government have seen …

Nationalizing South African mines: an economic assessment

MINERAL ECONOMICS . Nationalizing South African mines: an economic assessment . S. du Plessis I, II. I Department of Economics, University of Stellenbosch II An earlier version of this paper was presented as the Presidential address at the biennial conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, 5-7 September 2011, Stellenbosch. I am grateful to …

Arguments for nationalisation

 — In the UK coal mining industry, the initial enthusiasm for nationalisation wore off because the industry faced serious challenges – declining demand, increased …

Nationalizing South African mines: an enonomic …

However, in the case of South African mines these consider-ations would offer little scope for a large wedge between compensation and market values. The reasons are as follows: 1. South African mines are currently operated under competitive conditions that drive them to attain consid-erable efficiency. There is little incidence of mines

Nationalising South African mines: Back to a prosperous futu

Downloadable! Nationalisation is high on the policy agenda in South Africa. This paper considers the case for nationalising the local mining sector from an evidence-based perspective. The relevant evidence is derived from theoretical considerations and related to the known features of the South African mining sector and economy. A strong case …

Nationalisation of the key industries

Nationalisation was the Labour party's idea of putting the control of the main industries in the hands of the people, instead of a small group or shareholders.

Nationalization: Advantages and Disadvantages of …

Nationalization In economics, nationalization means the establishment of public ownership over the principal means of production. Nationalization implies that, on behalf of the nation, the government of the country owns and operates the productive system, and sometimes also the distributive system. Nationalization is usually done in piecemeal. One after …

A new wave of resource nationalism in the mining …

 — For example, Lundin Mining, which operates one of the largest copper mines in Chile, is reportedly reconsidering its plans for a US$600 million expansion of its Candelaria mining complex in favor of a …

Advantages and disadvantages of …

Advantages and disadvantages of nationalising mines. Overall, you have to understand that there is no doubt that being in a place where nationalisation occurs, you have to understand that it can be a major issue, but at the …

Nationalisation Of The Mines In South Africa Economics Essay

 — Disadvantages of nationalisation However, nationalisation does come at various costs. Some of these costs include the general operation and running of the …

Nationalisation of Banks in India: What, Why, How, Pros

 — July 19 of this year marks the 50 th anniversary of bank nationalisation. Nationalisation of banks is arguably the biggest structural reform introduced in the financial sector during the post-independence era of Indian history.

Advantages and disadvantages of nationalising mines

 — Advantages of nationalising mines. A sector that is nationalised, allows the government to have direct control over that sector. If the mining sector is nationalised, this would entice the government to sell more minerals within the South African borders …

disadvantages of nationalising the south african mines

Feb 18, 2010 · The advantages of nationalising the mines include the distribution of wealth amongst … South African government, the fallen heroes; COPE, COPE, … » Free Online Chat


What is Nationalization? Nationalization is the process in which a country or a state takes control of a specific company or industry. With nationalization, control that once resided within a corporation now lies with the government.

nationalising mines in south africa

what are the disadvantages of nationalising the mines wikipedia ... Mining industry of South Africa – Wikipedia, the free … Mining in South Africa has been the main driving force behind the history and development of Africa's ... disadvantages of nationalising mining …

disadvantages of nationalising mining sector south africa

disadvantages of nationalising mining sector south africa. advantages and disadvantages of nationalization mining sector in Anglo is the largest private sector employer in South Africa, with the mining sector making up Contact Supplier POLITICS WINDOW: What would it mean for South Africa. Nationalisation to transform South Africa's unequal ...

The pros and cons of nationalisation

 — Debate rages over Labour Party's pledge to bring energy sector under government control

Advantages and disadvantages of nationalising mines

The Freedom Charter signed and preserved in June 1955 affirmed that the people shall share in the country’s wealth and more significantly ‘the mineral wealth below the soil, the banks, and

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nationalization

 — Disadvantages of Nationalisation 1. Low productivity and inefficiency : Due to the fact that government businesses are usually poorly managed, most nationalized businesses by the government end up …