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The performance and thermal conductivity assessment of …

Besides, quarry dust is also an underutilized by-product produced during the crushing of aggregates at quarries, which is dumped into landfills and might contribute to serious environmental pollution if it is not well managed. ... This research focuses on the thermal conductivity, compressive strength, density, and porosity of kenaf core-quarry ...

Staff View: The performance and thermal conductivity …

The performance and thermal conductivity assessment of kenaf corequarry dust brick (KCQB) / Abdul Hadi Hassan . Rapid development has increased the demand for sand as the main source of sand brick and other construction purposes. High demand and environmental issues contribute to the shortage of the resource and the cost of the …

Thermal properties of cement mortar with different mix proportions

 — The main aim of this study is to assess the thermal properties of cement mortar in terms of its thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity in a wide range of grades (cement: sand ...

Environmentally friendly lightweight gypsum-based materials …

 — The physical and mechanical properties of lightweight gypsum-based materials with different amounts of stone dust were designed and tested. The material with largest amount of waste stone dust attained a bulk density under 600 kg/m 3 and compressive strength of 1.1 MPa, with a thermal conductivity of 0.117 W/m.K. These …

Utilization of sawdust composites in construction—a review

 — Thermal conductivity. Aerogels have an extremely low thermal conductivity, which means they are excellent insulators. In contrast, sawdust-based materials have a relatively higher thermal conductivity, but still provide good insulation properties compared to traditional building materials like concrete or steel. …

sbm/sbm quarry dust thermal at main · …

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Quarry Dust: An Excellent Substitute for Manufactured Sand …

 — It has been observed that 70% of manufactured sand can be replaced with quarry dust to achieve the maximum compressive strength compared to that of control …

A Review on Strength and Durability Properties of …

Quarry dust powder is the waste generated from manufactured sand (M Sand) units and constitutes to 30-40% of the total quarry dust produced. When dry, it turns into fine dust that causes severe health issues to people and also causes serious ... found to improve at 30% replacement whereas thermal conductivity was found to increase with ...

Development and Feasibility Analysis of Bagasse Ash Bricks

 — On the suitability of principal raw material, SBA–quarry dust (QD)–lime (L) bricks were developed with a constant composition of lime (20% by weight) and tested for physicomechanical (weight, dry density, water absorption, efflorescence, and compressive strength), functional (thermal conductivity, k), durability (chloride, sulfate, and ...

What is Thermal Conductivity

 — Thermal Conductivity of Fluids (Liquids and Gases) In physics, a fluid is a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an applied shear stress. Fluids are a subset of the phases of matter and include liquids, gases, plasmas and, to some extent, plastic solids.Because the intermolecular spacing is much larger and the motion of the …

Utilizing high volumes quarry wastes in the production of …

 — The high volume of refined quarry dust in ed concrete slightly increased the thermal conductivity due to the refinement of pore formation and the denser microstructure in the system. (5) The LCA results indicated that the production of LFC with quarry dust was more environmentally sustainable compared to those made only with …

Open Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference …

 — ash and quarry dust in high-strength concrete to develop a sustainable concrete: A Study on the Mechanical and ... quarry dust, manufactured sand, thermal conductivity . 1. INTRODUCTION . Brick is one of the most commonly adopted construction materials in construction engineering since ancient times. At present, hollow or solid …

Increasing the Thermal Insulating Properties of Cement …

In thermal conductivity test, result indicated that samples incorporated with different percentages of polypropylene showed reduction in thermal conductivity value. A significant reduction in thermal conductivity by 58% was observed for 1.5% polystyrene based cement plaster. Moreover there was an adequate increase in the compressive strength at ...


This research focuses on the thermal conductivity, compressive strength, density, and porosity of kenaf core-quarry dust brick (KCQB). Nine types of samples for bricks, …


Key words: Fly ash, Lime, Gypsum, Quarry dust, Cork powder, Thermal insulation, Compressive strength and Water absorption. Introduction In the present scenario in the construction industry, use of economic and environmental friendly ... corresponding to thermal conductivity of 0.049–0.05 (W m_1 -K_1); the density and thermal conductivity of ...

Thermal Conductivity Performance of Kenaf Core

Thermal Conductivity Performance of Kenaf Core - Quarry Dust Brick (KCQB) | ScienceGate. Civil Engineering and Architecture . 10.13189/cea.2021.091313 . 2021 . …

Thermal Conductivity : chart of 300+ common materials

Thermal conductivity of materials including acetone, water, air... Follow us on Twitter Question, remark ? Contact us at contact@myengineeringtools. 1. Data table of thermal conductivity of common materials. Please find below a table of common materials and their thermal conductivity at a given temperature, aggregated from different sources

Strength and durability properties of quarry dust powder …

 — Thermal conductivity is the ability of the material to conduct heat. Thermal conductivity test is conducted on a plate shaped samples of size 300 × 300 × 10 mm, as per ISO 8301 [37]. The plate is kept at a temperature range of 60 °C and 40 °C as …

The The Effect of Waste Dust Limestone Aggregate on …

This research studied the effect of waste dust lime stone crushed aggregate on mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of cellular lightweight concrete block for masonry walls. Cellular lightweight concrete made from Portland cement, water, sand, air bubbles and waste dust lime stone crushed. The waste dust lime stone crushed is a garbage or …

Production of eco-friendly hybrid blocks

 — Shakir et al. [9] utilized POC, palm oil fuel ash, and quarry dust to create eco-friendly hybrid blocks, demonstrating compressive strengths 5.01–14.57 MPa and densities of 852–1561 kg/m3 over 28 days. Thermal conductivity values of the specimens ranged from 0.27 to 0.136 W/(m·K).

(PDF) Thermal Conductivity Performance of Kenaf Core

The investigations cover thermal conductivity, compressive strength, density, and porosity of Kenaf Core Quarry Dust Bricks (KCQB). Nine (9) types of samples of bricks, plates, …

The performance and thermal conductivity assessment of …

Quarry dust was fixed at 75% for every variable mix and the balance of 25% sand was replaced by kenaf core at 5% interval until the portion of sand is 0%. The ratio of cement …

Utilizing high volumes quarry wastes in the production of …

 — High volume quarry dust is utilized in producing lightweight ed concrete (LFC).. Fluidity, strength, thermal conductivity and sustainability of LFC are examined. The fluidity of LFC is decreased as the incorporation of high volume quarry dust. • The strength and thermal conductivity are increased for LFC with quarry dust.. LFC containing quarry …

Thermal Conductivity of Standard Sands. Part III. Full Range …

 — The thermal conductivity $$(lambda )$$ ( λ ) of three unsaturated standard quartz sands (Ottawa C-109 and C-190, and Toyoura) was measured by a transient thermal-conductivity probe, at room temperature of approximately $$25,^{circ }text{ C }$$ 25 ∘ C and at loose and tight compactions. The measurements were carried out at …

Utilizing high volumes quarry wastes in the production of …

 — The increase of thermal conductivity in the quarry dust specimens indicated a refinement of pore structures when incorporating a large volume of refined quarry dust. …

Quarry fines: an ideal material for the manufacture of

 — It is observed from the studies that there is a decrease in thermal conductivity of 43.82% of the mix with the water cement ratio 0.65, 30% volume and with the addition of quarry dust (from 0.251 to 0.141 W/mK).

Quarry Dust: An Excellent Substitute for Manufactured Sand …

 — Quarry dust has been added at different percentages from 50 to 100. Protein type ing agent has been used for the production of stable . ... Thermal conductivity has been observed to be decreased with increase in quarry dust content. Hence, a very sustainable ed concrete can be prepared with the use of huge …

(PDF) Utilizing high volumes quarry wastes in the …

 — For a given w/c ratio, it was found that the use of high volume quarry dust could reduce the fluidity and increase the compressive strength and the thermal conductivity of LFC.

Quarry dust as river sand replacement in cement masonry …

 — Quarry dust as river sand replacement in cement masonry blocks: Effect on mechanical and durability characteristics. ... Notably, the results reveal that a 12 % reduction in thermal conductivity can be achieved by replacing just 7 % of the sand with rice husk. Furthermore, the study establishes a linear relationship between the dynamic …

Utilizing High Volumes Quarry Wastes in the Production …

Quarry dust, a by-product of stone grinding, cutting, sieving and crushing, is abundantly ... the compressive strength and the thermal conductivity of LFC. However, no significant

[PDF] Thermal Conductivity Performance of Kenaf Core

 — Quarry dust was fixed at 75% for every variable mix and the balance of 25% sand was replaced by kenaf core at 5% intervals, respectively, until the portion of sand was zero. Based on all properties studied, it is found that the addition of kenaf core affected the thermal conductivity, density, porosity, and compressive strength value.

(PDF) Strength and durability properties of quarry dust …

As fineness of aggregate increases, thermal conductivity also increases. Increase in thermal conductivity might be because of the filler effect. The quarry dust due to its fine nature fills the voids in the mix. Since air voids are bad conductors of heat, reduction in air voids by its filling with quarry dust powder increases the thermal ...

Thermal conductivity performance ... preview & related info …

Thermal conductivity performance of kenaf core-quarry dust brick (KCQB) Hassan A; Ahmad Z; Arshad M; et al. See more; Civil Engineering and Architecture (2021) 9(5) 108-120. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.091313. 2 Citations. Citations of this article. 24 Readers. Mendeley users who have this article in their library.

Holdings: Thermal conductivity performance of kenaf core-quarry dust …

Thermal conductivity performance of kenaf core-quarry dust brick (KCQB) Rapid development has led to increasing demand for sand, which is the main source of sand brick and other construction purposes. High demand and environmental issues contribute to the shortage of resources and continuous increase in the cost of the material.

Thermal Conductivity Performance of Kenaf Core

 — The investigations cover thermal conductivity, compressive strength, density, and porosity of Kenaf Core Quarry Dust Bricks (KCQB). Nine (9) types of …

Thermal Conductivity of Standard Sands II. Saturated …

 — A non-stationary thermal probe technique was used to measure the thermal conductivity of three saturated standard sands (Ottawa sand C-109, Ottawa sand C-190, and Toyoura sand) in a range of soil porosities (n) from 0.32 to 0.42, and temperatures (T) from 25 °C to 70 °C. The sand thermal conductivities at full saturation (λ sat) increased …