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Mithaka: Heart of Australia's 2,100-year-old Aboriginal Silk …

 — More than 2,100 years ago, Australia's Aboriginal Mithaka people were likely domesticating plants and quarrying stones on an industrial scale to make seed-grinding implements. The Mithaka stone implements were traded along a transcontinental trade network that researchers have described as Australia's "Silk Road," reports ABC.

Buried tools and pigments tell a new history of humans in Australia …

 — Dominic O Brien/Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation, Author provided ... The grinding stones from the site indicate a range of fruits, seeds, animals and other plants were ground up for food. These ...

Stones, stories and ceremonies: A Gamilaraay, Arrernte, …

The Hail Creek excavation bought Aboriginal contemporary knowledge and viewpoint into the realm of Archaeology. This stimulated lengthy discussions about these stones, debating different narratives from what we knew as Aboriginal people in our communities and what we were exploring as Scientist. It was an interesting marriage.

Food or fibercraft? Grinding stones and Aboriginal use of …

 — We argue that Aboriginal exploitation of dia spinifex for fiber was probably more common than previously thought, and that key to its exploitation and archaeological identification are re-assessment of grinding/pounding stones, including handstones, hatchet heads, mortars, lower grinding dishes and bedrock grinding …

Australian Aboriginal artefacts facts for kids

 — Indigenous Australians describe a stone artefact as holding the spirit of an ancestor who once owned it. 30,000-year-old grinding stones have been found at Cuddie Springs, NSW. Leilira blades from Arnhem Land were collected between 1931 and 1948 and are as of 2021 [update] held at the Australian Museum .

Wailwan grindstone

This fragment from the rim of a grindstone found in the Cuddie Springs archaeological site, on Wailwan Country, demonstrates the longevity of food preparation dating back over 30,000 years. [1] Scientific analysis of the …

Ran-thok and Ling-chhom: indigenous grinding stones of …

 — The paper aims to document the rich cultural heritage of grinding stone implements, Ran-thok (rotary quern) and Ling-chhom (nutting stone) used by the Shertukpens for grinding and nutting of ...

Aboriginal Stone Artefacts | Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania

Chert, quartzite, silcrete, spongolite, quartz and other types of rock were used. Aboriginal stone artefacts were made by hitting a piece of modified stone (core), with a cobble held in the hand (hammerstone) to remove a stone fragment (flake). Both cores and flakes could be used as stone tools. ... grinding stones or anvils showing depressions ...

Geology of Rainforest Aboriginal Stone Tools

Geology of Rainforest Aboriginal Stone Tools **Caution this page may contain images of persons now deceased** ... The thickness of the grinding stones is argued to be a function of the local slate raw material, which tends to cleave into relatively thin plates. Some of the morahs examined by Horsfall had incised grooves on both surfaces but ...


Stone tools were used to cut wood and bark from trees, to fashion wooden tools, weapons and utensils, and to pound and grind food. Stone was also used to make spear barbs (in south-eastern Australia in the past), spear …

Little Rocky Creek: Axe Grinding Site

This First Nations stone grinding site highlights the ingenuity of the Gubbi Gubbi people in creating the tools they needed to live and hunt. ... it turns into Old Gympie Road. There you will see a brown sign indicating the aboriginal site 100 metres ahead, just around the corner. Park the car here. If you miss the entry to the small car park ...


Large grinding stone abrasiondamaged by agricultural equipment What are Aboriginal Grinding Stones? Grinding stones are slabs of stone that Aboriginal people used to grind and crush different materials. Bulbs, berries, seeds, insects and many other things were ground between a large lower stone and a smaller upper stone. Where are They Found?

Grindstone – ancient multi-tools – Queensland …

 — They were mostly found where Aboriginal people lived and processed food. Grindstones were sometimes heavy (up to 14kg or …

Brewarrina Aboriginal Fish Traps facts for kids

 — Brewarrina retains a rich collection of Aboriginal sites consisting of axe grinding grooves, burial grounds, open campsites, knapping sites, scarred trees, ceremonial sites, middens and stone quarries. Prior to European disturbance, both banks of the river at the fish traps were lined by almost continuous middens with an accumulation of shells ...

Aboriginal grinding stone (mortar)

Historical information. This grinding stone (mortar) was used by Aboriginal people to grind or crush different materials such as berries and seeds for food production. In order to grind material, a smaller upper stone (the …

Fact sheet: Aboriginal axe-grinding grooves

How did Aboriginal people produce axe-grinding grooves? Aboriginal people used axe-grinding grooves to finish partly made axes (known as 'axe blanks') or sharpen axes that were worn or chipped. Axe blanks are pieces of stone that Aboriginal people chipped into a basic axe shape at stone quarries and sharpened by rubbing the edges over ...

Fact sheet: Aboriginal quarries

Aboriginal grinding stones: Fact sheet; Aboriginal stone arrangements: Fact sheet; Aboriginal axe-grinding grooves; Aboriginal coastal shell middens: Fact sheet; Aboriginal rock art: Fact sheet; Aboriginal Historical Places: Fact sheet; Aboriginal Places on private property: Fact sheet;


Grinding stones used to grind seeds and nuts have been found throughout Australia, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas where Indigenous people were reliant on grass …

TUGGERANONG [2] A heritage tour of

The grinding grooves are located on an area of exposed fl at rock, up-slope from the two eucalypt trees. Aboriginal people used this area extensively for grinding stones into sharp edges for use as axes. There are some 50 shallow grooves worn into the surface of the exposed sandstone rock extending over several metres. Axe grinding

65,000-years of continuous grinding stone use at …

Grinding stones are theorised to have played a key role in exploiting the arid and semi-arid zones of Australia, where grass seeds, hard-cased seeds and pulverised animals formed a vital component of the late Holocene Aboriginal diet 14 – 27. Grinding stones also played a key role in pigment preparation and in the production and use of ground ...

Unmasking Ancient Treasures: Native American Stone …

 — 9. Hammerstones: Simple stones used as hammers or percussion tools for various tasks. 10. Beads: Stone beads were often used in jewelry or as trade items, with different tribes having distinct bead styles. Native American stone artifacts provide a tangible connection to the past and offer valuable insights into the lives of indigenous …

Cuddie Springs Archaeological Site, New South Wales

Recently published research in Australian Archaeology has vastly extended the known timeline of Aboriginal occupation in the Riverland region of South Australia, Dr Amy Way discusses. 1 October 2020. Read more. ... Fragments of grinding stones dating back 30,000 years to late in the Pleistocene Epoch have been found at Cuddie Springs in western ...

Aboriginal Stone Artefacts | Aboriginal Heritage …

Stone artefacts are evidence of stone modified or used by Tasmanian Aboriginal people in the past. Aboriginal people quarried particular stone outcrops or collected stones from river beds and coastal zones to create …

Who were the world's first bakers?

 — This Aboriginal grinding stone, with depressions caused by grinding seeds and ochre, is located in South Australia's Innamincka Regional Reserve (Credit: Ian Beattie/Alamy)

Fact sheet: Aboriginal surface scatters

Aboriginal grinding stones: Fact sheet; Aboriginal stone arrangements: Fact sheet; Aboriginal axe-grinding grooves; Aboriginal coastal shell middens: Fact sheet; Aboriginal rock art: Fact sheet; Aboriginal Historical Places: Fact sheet; Aboriginal Places on private property: Fact sheet;


Grinding stones are usually found where Aboriginal people lived and camped. For example, they have been found in shell middens and rock shelters, and at open camp sites and …

Explore cultural objects, art and technology

Explore cultural objects, art and technology in the Australian Museum's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Collection. Explore cultural objects, art and technology in the Australian Museum's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Collection. ... In this section, there's a wealth of information about our collections of scientific specimens and ...

Aboriginal archaeological discovery in Kakadu rewrites the …

 — The team had also found the oldest known seed-grinding tools in Australia, a large buried midden of sea shells and animal bones, and evidence of finely made stone spear tips.

Grindstone – ancient multi-tools – Queensland Museum Blog

 — Marisa Giorgi, Information Officer, Queensland Museum Grindstones are a relatively common tool found across Australia. But did you know grindstones have many varied uses? Archaeological science is revealing the complex nature of these stone artefacts. Introduction At Queensland Museum we have many grindstones of different …

Fact sheet: Aboriginal rock art

Aboriginal ground-edge axes: Fact sheet; Aboriginal grinding stones: Fact sheet; Aboriginal stone arrangements: Fact sheet; Aboriginal axe-grinding grooves; Aboriginal coastal shell middens: Fact sheet; Aboriginal rock art: Fact sheet; Aboriginal Historical Places: Fact …

Fact sheet: Aboriginal grinding stones

Grinding stones are slabs of stone that Aboriginal people used to grind and crush different materials. Find out how to spot and protect them.

aboriginal grinding stone facts

Fact sheet: Aboriginal grinding stones Aboriginal Victoria. Aboriginal grinding stone Why are Aboriginal grinding stones important? Grinding stones were developed in south east Australia during the last Ice Age, about 15,000 years ago. Conditions were much drier then, and grinding stones allowed people to live in areas where food was limited. ...

Wailwan grindstone

Found in the Cuddie Springs archaeological site, the Wailwan grindstone demonstrates the longevity of food preparation dating back over 30,000 years.

Mining by Aborigines

Stone tools older than 40 000 years have been found in the north and east of Australia. Tools were made by 'flaking', 'grinding' and 'crumbling' and were used for cutting, for …

Knapping and Archaeology: Aboriginal Stone Tools from …

 — In 2016 the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander archaeology department received a donation of over 3 500 Aboriginal stone tools from across Western NSW by the collector John Frazer. Mr. Frazer collected these artefacts over a period of 3 years and maintained an impressive system of cataloguing, mapping and identification that is …

Aboriginal sites are an important part of the …

The complex of sites (Plates 1-13) includes ochre quarries, rockshelters, water sources (such as the Susannah Brook and its tributaries), petroglyphs, ceremonial and mythological sites, the prominent standing …

Indigenous Knowledge | Grinding Stone Collective

Grinding Stone Collective Inc. is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to creating meaningful events, workshops, classes and databases for Indigenous communities. Our core mission is to build strong, self-sustaining Indigenous communities and to build connections between urban and rural natives. We are committed to creating innovative, …

Archaeological evidence of Aboriginal life in Sydney | The …

Today, the Sydney region has a large Aboriginal population, many of whom are descendants of the original inhabitants who lived here when Captain Cook visited in 1770 and the First Fleet arrived in 1788. There is much historical information about the people who lived here when the British arrived – about their way of life, the foods they ate, the …